Slimboyfat O.P." Is there evidence for networks of abuse?
The Rebel (A) when I was leaving the W.T, I mentiond with supportive evidence to a " friend" elder child molestation problems in the organisation, his defensive and emotional reply " would I be in an organisation like that? My reply was " you are"
What I learnt from that conversation was how easy it was for this " friend" elder to deny all the evidence I mentiond. So whilst I found your O.P sensational and not supported by evidence, the question is worth being asked.
Personally I believe any organisation that is so secret and un-cooperative with its policies on child abuse as the Watchtower could be a prime target for such networks to exist. This is why I am glad the figures on child molesters in the organisation have been revealed and are no longer secret. I am also sure your question " Is there evidence of networks of abuse" is a question those conducting royal commission enquirers , and police forces who investigate child molestation in the W.T organisation are also concerned about.
The Rebel.